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Toll station with space frame structure

Toll station with space frame structure

Toll stations are not just places to collect car tolls at intersections, but to a large extent serve as the city’s business card. Therefore, the design of toll booths must not be careless, especially the toll booths at the entrance of the city should be done as a face-saving project.

 The space frame structure has small steel consumption, good integrity, simple maintenance, long service life, high degree of factory processing, rich shape, and short construction period. It is very suitable for toll station projects. Different cities have different histories and planning concepts, and toll stations have corresponding design styles, which may be soft, elegant, masculine, modern, avant-garde, and so on.

The space frame structure is composed of steel rods combined with special steel balls, and the length of the rods and the angle between each other are adjusted to form different spatial shapes. What kind of structure forms the supporting parts of the space frame? the structure adopts also needs to be determined by a comprehensive consideration of the shape of the space frame structure and precise calculation to achieve a harmonious and unified effect. The space frame toll station has the following characteristics: Good wind resistance, snow resistance, earthquake resistance, high rigidity, and high structural safety. Fast installation speed, grab time for the owner to put into use early.

  1. Good wind resistance, snow resistance, earthquake resistance, high rigidity, and high structural safety.

  2. Fast installation speed, grab time for the owner to put into use early.

  3. The degree of factory processing is high, 80% of the workload is factorized, which is in line with the characteristics of national prefabricated buildings.

  4. Easy to install, just a few cranes.

  5. The construction period is short, 500~1000 square meters can be installed in one day

  6. Convenient transfer of side shape.