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Key control point of Long Span Space Frame Truss Roof Storage Sheds-Consideration of the influence of construction procedure

Key control point of Long Span space frame construction bulk storage sheds - High Stress Level

For the important long span space frame truss structure, it is necessary to consider the influence of construction sequence on the bearing capacity of the structure. Different construction sequence and structure ring closing time may lead to the initial geometric defects of the structure, which may then lead to the deviation of the structure from the ideal state of the drawing.

Therefore, in the course of construction analysis or design of important long span space frame truss roofing system, the influence of construction procedure on the bearing capacity of structure should be considered and the safety of structure should be checked according to the final construction state.

For long span space frame truss structure project, the construction is difficult, it has complex operation and high risk problems. LF usually provides a comprehensive construction solution according to the characteristics of the project and the project site situation, and issued a construction methodology to help clients for project construction, while avoiding the risk in the project construction.
For the important long-span space frame truss structure, it is necessary to consider the influence of construction sequence on the bearing capacity of the structure. Different construction sequence and structure ring closing time may lead to the initial geometric defects of the structure, which may also lead to the deviation of the structure from the ideal state of the drawing.

furthermore, in the course of construction analysis or design of important long span space frame truss roofing system, the influence of construction procedure on the bearing capacity of structure, should be considered and the safety of structure should be checked according to the final construction state.